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Gold Coast, Queensland

ULTIQA Signature at Broadbeach

264 reviews

Grand Opening: Gold Coast Apartment-Style Suites with Broadbeach's First Infinity Edge Pool

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264 reviews

Be one of the first to experience the pristine, laidback elegance of ULTIQA Signature at Broadbeach – a brand-new sun-kissed oasis just moments from the spectacular shores of Broadbeach and the Gold Coast’s countless treasures. During the day, head up to The Deck, a sprawling space on the fourth floor featuring a range of luxurious resort facilities. Bathe in the glittering 50-metre infinity pool, unwind at the spa, catch a film at the in-house private theatre room or find a space to stretch out and soak up the sun on the lush podium lawn. Meanwhile, each self-contained suite offers everything you could need for a relaxing stay, including a fully-equipped kitchen, cloud-like-bedding and an inviting, open-plan living and dining area.

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